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ALCUCOA Accreditation Visit to Colegio de Muntinlupa (CDM)

18 Feb, 2025

CDM recently underwent accreditation from November 25 to 27, 2024 to evaluate five (5) of its programs: BS in Civil Engineering, BS in Electrical Engineering, BS in Mechanical Engineering, BS in Computer Engineering and BS in Electronics Engineering.
The accrediting team consisted of Dr. Rene Colocar (Supervising Accreditor), Engr. Nestor Comptente, Dr. Marmelo Abante, Engr. Pablo Asi, Engr. Paul Bryan Amagon, Prof. Roilingel Calilung for the area of library and Prof. Kristin Joy Mendoz as the Technical Assistant.
This pivotal visit represents a significant milestone in the CDM's continuous pursuit of academic excellence and the provision of quality education.