ALCUCOA has a five-tier level system. Each tier corresponds to the different phases of accreditation having its unique purpose and objectives. Each represent the LUCs progressive journey towards excellence and quality assurance.
Candidate Status (Initiation Phase). This phase marks the initiation of the accreditation process also known as the Preliminary Survey. Any LUC seeking to have their academic programs accredited begin by expressing their intent to pursue accreditation from ALCUCOA. In this phase, the LUC submits initial documentation and fees to indicate their commitment to meeting accreditation standards. In this phase, a consultation/orientation visit is held by ALCUCOA for the LUC. This phase sets the stage for the formal evaluation process.
Level I (Compliance Phase). Level I is considered the Compliance Phase, the first phase of the formal evaluation process. This phase involves a detailed assessment of the LUCs compliance with accreditation standards. The accreditation process ensures that the institution meets the basic requirements and benchmarks outlined by ALCUCOA. LUCs undergoing this first formal visit must be able to present comprehensive documentation and evidence to comply with the requirements of each accreditation area.
Level II (Proficiency Phase). In this phase, LUCs strive to achieve a higher level of proficiency in complying with accreditation standards over and above basic compliance. Evidence of ongoing improvement efforts and the presence of best practices is required in this phase.
Level III (Institutionalization Phase). In the Institutionalization Phase, the LUC demonstrates that accreditation standards have become deeply ingrained in its culture and operations. There are effective processes in place to maintain and continuously improve compliance.
Level IV (Sustainability Phase). This phase is considered the pinnacle of accreditation. LUCs reaching this phase has established their commitment to maintaining quality and compliance that is sustainable and enduring over the long term. Also, LUCs with Level IV accreditation have demonstrated their ability to uphold accreditation standards in all aspects of the institution.
The Input-Process-Output Framework serves as the general framework for the accreditation instrument used by ALCUCOA. Thus, ALCUCOA operationalizes each area and sub-area of accreditation in terms of the inputs, processes, and outputs involved in the overall workings of an institution. Inputs refer to the fundamental elements and aspects necessary for any area to function, such as policy guidelines, frameworks, basic manuals, handbooks, resolutions, and rules and regulations. Processes then are about the actual mechanisms, approaches, and tools used by an institution to conduct its operations and activities. Finally, outputs refer to the concrete results achieved in each area. This kind of framework allows for a systematic but also granular, detailed, and specific accreditation. With this kind if approach, quality education is clearly seen and documented.
To carry out a smooth accreditation process, ALCUCOA follows a step-by-step procedure for the accreditation of its member local higher education institutions. The procedure is as follows:
The first step that a member institution of the ALCUCOA should take is the submission of a letter of intent expressing the said institution’s desire to undergo accreditation. The letter is addressed to the ALCUCOA National Board thru the President and Executive Director.
Prior to approving a submission, ALCUCOA evaluates the compliance of the member institution with basic educational standards and its overall readiness to be subjected to the accreditation process. Compliance standards include the applicable CHED memorandum order and pertinent documents that prove program compliance and legitimacy, such as the institution’s approved charter, the ordinance approving its establishment, board resolution approving the offering of programs, the condition of facilities, availability of faculty, library holdings and resources, and others.
After the evaluation of the submission and upon determination that requirements are met, ALCUCOA formally writes a letter of acceptance to the member institution. ALCUCOA abides by the rule that no accreditation takes place until a member institution is able to prove its compliance and readiness.
Before the conduct of accreditation, the member institution is required to complete the payment for the accreditation fees set by ALCUCOA.
Prior to the visit, ALCUCOA meets with the member institution’s board led by the chairman, the faculty, alumni, parents, city officials, and other stakeholders to clearly explain the purpose of accreditation.
The ALCUCOA National Board sets the schedule for the formal visit to the member institution. This phase also includes the crucial appointment of the members of the accreditation team that will be deployed. The accreditors are specified for the appropriate programs and areas to be evaluated and must come from private and public HEIs or industry. Accreditors are carefully assigned based on their competence and credibility. The accreditation team also holds a required orientation containing all plans and details for the scheduled accreditation of the member institution.
The accreditation team is officially deployed to the member institution applying for ALCUCOA accreditation. The visit runs for three days, the activities of which include the courtesy call with the university or college president and the chairman of the board, followed by the plenary conference, then the thorough review of accreditation documents, the ocular visit for extension services, classroom observations, stakeholder conference, executive deliberations, and finally the exit conference.
The accreditation team submits to the ALCUCOA National Board the results complete with the accreditation scores, findings, and recommendations. The accreditation team must ensure that such documents are all duly signed by accreditors. The board verifies whether or not the submitted results are duly signed.
The ALCUCOA National Board assigns three members to form a technical review board (TRB) which will be in charge of validating results. The board makes sure that no member of the TRB comes from the prior assigned accreditation team so as to preserve the objectivity of the validation process.
After the TRB completes the validation process, ALCUCOA then submits the validated results to the National Network of Quality Assurance Agencies (NNQAA) for final technical review and completes the payment for the said review. NNQAA as the umbrella organization of all accrediting agencies acts as the highest body that reviews accreditation results vis-à-vis ALCUCOA’s operational procedures and manual. This is also to ensure that checks and balances are observed among accrediting agencies. The NNQAA Executive Board is composed of nine (9) members presided by the chair. Board members come from state universities and colleges and local colleges and universities and other member QA bodies. The NNQAA submits the final accreditation results annually to the Office of Institutional Quality Assurance and Governance of the CHED.
The NNQAA Board en banc then officially communicates the final accreditation results to ALCUCOA.
ALCUCOA organizes a presentation of the accreditation results for the member institutions vying for accreditation
One must always remember that the kind of accreditation done by ALCUCOA is not a one-time event. There are in fact a number of accreditation-related activities that ALCUCOA conducts on a regular basis to help member institutions to sustain and improve their accreditation status.
The formal accreditation visit is certainly the foremost kind of program and mechanism utilized by ALCUCOA to assess member institutions and serve as basis for conferring an accreditation status. It is a three-day visit that features the following main components: first, the courtesy call to the university or college president and the chairman of the board; second, the plenary conference where the member institution formally welcomes the ALCUCOA accreditation team; third, the preliminary certification of the member institution’s eligibility; fourth, the documentary review spanning the duration of the three-day visit; fifth, the completion of the classroom observations by accreditors; sixth, the equally critical ocular visit done by accreditors to observe extension projects; seventh, the campus tour; eighth, the stakeholders’ conferences with students, faculty, alumni, and employers, and; ninth, the exit conference on the third day where accreditors provide their general impressions and findings.
As a way of monitoring compliance with the accreditation standards set by ALCUCOA, surveillance audits of member institutions are conducted within the duration of the effectivity of the accreditation status granted.
Upon recommendation of the board, ALCUCOA schedules a revisit to the member institution not later than six months prior to the expiration of the awarded accreditation status